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Category Archives: Công bố quốc tế ISI A collaborative algorithm for semantic video annotation using a consensus-based social network analysis Trong Hai Duong, Ngoc Thanh Nguyen, Hai Bang Truong, Van Huan Nguyen Expert Systems with Applications Volume 42, Issue 1, January 2015, Pages 246–258 Article’s... A smoothed coupled NS/nES-FEM for dynamic analysis of 2D fluid–solid interaction problems T. Nguyen-Thoi, P. Phung-Van, S. Nguyen-Hoang, Q. Lieu-Xuan; Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 232 , pp. 324-346 . Article’s link Abstract A node-based smoothed finite... Geometrically nonlinear analysis of functionally graded plates using a cell-based smoothed three-node plate element based on the C0-HSDT P. Phung-Van, T. Nguyen-Thoi, H. Luong-Van, Q. Lieu-Xuan Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Volume 270, 1 March 2014, Pages 15–36 Article’s link Abstract... A Facile Route towards the Synthesis of Fe3O4/Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites for Environmental Applications Dong Woo Kim, Long Giang Bach, Seong-Soo Hong, Chan Park Kwon Taek Lim Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, Volume 599, Issue 1, 2014, pages... Self-Adaptation in Collective Adaptive Systems Phan Cong Vinh Mobile Networks and Applications October 2014, Volume 19, Issue 5, pp 626-633 Article’s link Abstract An adaptive system is currently on spot:... Design of asymmetric freeform lens for low glared LED street light with total internal reflection Min-Feng Lai, Yi-Chian Chen, Nguyen Doan Quoc Anh, Tsai-Yu Chen, Hsin-Yi Ma, and Hsiao-Yi Lee Optics Express Vol. 24, Issue 2, pp. 1409-1415 •doi:... Catalytic pyrolysis of vegetable oils to biofuels: Catalyst functionalities and the role of ketonization on the oxygenate paths Thanh Khoa Phung, Alessandro A. Casazza, Patrizia Perego, Pierlorenzo Capranica, Guido Busca Fuel Processing Technology Volume 140, December 2015, Pages 119–124 Article’s link Abstract Thermal... Libra: Ligand Binding site Recogintion Application. Bioinformatics Le Viet Hung, Silvia Caprari, Massimiliano Bizai, Daniele Toti and Fabio Polticelli Bioinformatics Article’s link Abstract Motivation: In recent years, structural genomics and ab initio... A Facile Route towards the Synthesis of Nanocomposites for the Application as Solid Electrolytes via Grafting Polymer from TiO2 Nanoparticles Bạch Long Giang, Cao Xuân Thắng, Hồ Thị Thanh Vân, MD.Rafiqul Islam, Kwon Taek Lim Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Volume 599, Issue 1, 2014... 124:17 am 28/10/2021
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